Historic Downton Penngrove at Risk
12 Residential Units • 1384 sqft Commercial • 6 Parking Spaces
All on a .17 acre lot with unbuildable easement
Oversized and not compliant with General Plan, Penngrove Area Plan or Penngrove Design Plan.
Project originally designed for Bodega Bay site.
Increased traffic congestion and will overwhelm parking
Unknown Environmental impacts
Threatens Historic Downtown Accessibility
Strains Failing Infrastructure
Solid Waste Increase
Sanitation issues
Emergency Access reduction
12 New Apartments at Penngrove Station???
Where will they park?
There are parking and traffic issues at Penngrove Station, the Penngrove Market, and all of Downtown Penngrove. This project will make these problems worse by adding in 12 new apartments with only 6 new parking spaces where an additional 27 for this project are mandated by Sonoma County parking codes.
Reduce the number of apartments, or increase parking spaces.
How will this affect the wastewater & sanitation issues?
There is a limit to existing sewer hookups in Penngrove, and it is currently unknown if there is capacity for all of the potential residents in 12 new apartments in Downtown Penngrove.
Delay evaluation of this project until Sonoma County completes its December 2025 Sewage Assessment.
Too Big, Too Dense a project!
A 12-unit, three-story housing development—including three affordable units—has been submitted to Permit Sonoma under Builder’s Remedy, bypassing standard zoning due to county non-compliance with state housing laws. The project, squeezed onto a 0.17-acre lot between Penngrove Station and Soap Cauldron, also includes a 1,384 sq. ft. retail space facing the train tracks.
Major Concerns:
Oversized & Misaligned – This project does not comply with the General Plan, Penngrove Area Plan, or Penngrove Design Plan. The site is designated as a contributing historic structure within the Historic District.
Worsens Traffic & Parking – Penngrove Station is already 50 spaces short; this project adds at least 20 more vehicles, forcing overflow onto Main St. and Midtown, strangling parking.
Strains Failing Infrastructure:
Solid Waste – No space for Recology to service without obstructing traffic.
Sanitation Uncertainty – Sewer system capacity is unknown until the December 2025 assessment.
Emergency Access Constrained – Easement space is insufficient for emergency services.
Environmental Impact Unknown – A full environmental review is required before approval.
Storm water runoff will go into Lichau Creek and into our storm drains.
Threatens Penngrove' s Culture – The planned fire hydrant sits directly in the parade path, jeopardizing cherished community events.
Why Rush Approval?
This project was not designed for Penngrove—it has already gone through three revisions and still requires modifications per the latest county review. 12 units won’t solve the housing crisis, but they will burden local businesses and residents.
We urge a scaled-back plan that increases parking or reduces density to balance housing needs without damaging the community. 4 units the maximum amount allowed on a parcel this size will provide relief and can be accommodated in this project design.
How You Can Help:
Learn more: Visit the project page on Permit Sonoma to learn about this project, enter DRH24-0005 in the Permit Number box.
Speak up: Speak up: Contact the planner Azine Spalding at Azine.Spalding@sonoma-county.org to express your concerns. Make sure to put the Permit Number DRH24-0005 in the subject line of your email or letter.
For more info email: mann@sonic.net